En liten dikt mitt upp i allt!
I love you more and more each day
Honey, you do take my breath away
My eyes they sparkle
My lips they smile
They started the day you came
And since then its been a while
I keep asking what
it is that makes my heart ache
But you keep answer
that you never it will break
I love your smile
I love yout eyes
I love that you now for a while
Kept me from looking at other guys
You make me happy
I am so glad
Cause you cannot ever make me sad
The way you act
It's all good and fine
I wish that you always
will be mine
Honey, you do take my breath away
My eyes they sparkle
My lips they smile
They started the day you came
And since then its been a while
I keep asking what
it is that makes my heart ache
But you keep answer
that you never it will break
I love your smile
I love yout eyes
I love that you now for a while
Kept me from looking at other guys
You make me happy
I am so glad
Cause you cannot ever make me sad
The way you act
It's all good and fine
I wish that you always
will be mine